MIN BOEKE OP MY RAK GEE MY SOVEEL VREUGDE as die twee outobiografiese volumes van C.H. Spurgeon, The Early Years (Vol. 1) en The Full Harvest (Vol. 2), uitgegee deur The Banner of Truth Trust. As ek bemoediging nodig het, is 'n hoofstuk daaruit sonder uitsondering balsem vir my gees. Jy sal dus een van hierdie volumes - wat ek by Skogheim '93 gekry het - gereeld langs my bed of gemakstoel aantref.
Die afgelope week lees ek toe hierdie kosbare paragraaf in 'n hoofstuk oor Spurgeon se ervaringe as opelug-prediker (Vol. 2, p. 91) - dit nadat ons herlewingsverlange Maandagaand by Henri Marais se kuddegroep ter sprake was:
I preached at Bristol, many years ago, in the open air; and the service was specially interesting to me from the fact that I had a repetition in my own experience of the scene which Whitefield had there witnessed long before. He said, concerning one of his sermons to the colliers at Kingswood: "The first discovery of their being affected was, seeing the white gutters made by their tears, which plentifully fell down their black cheeks, for they had come to the service straight from the coal-pits."
I also had a crowd of sailors and colliers - men with black faces - to listen to me, and when I began to talk to them about Christ's redeeming work, I saw the tears streaming down their cheeks; they put up their hands, as if to brush away something from their faces, but really it was in order to hide their tears. It was an affecting sight to behold those rough men broken down under the preaching of the gospel, and I could fully sympathize with what Whitefield wrote concerning similar services: "The open firmament above me, the prospect of the adjacent fields, with the sight of thousands and thousands of people, some in coaches, some on horseback, and some in the trees, and, often, all melted to tears - to which sometimes was added the solemnity of the approaching evening - this was almost too much for me to bear; and, occasionally, it quite overcame me."
Ag, Here, stuur weer vir ons sulke tye van verkwikking (Hd 3:19-20)!
En gee weer vir ons predikers soos Whitefield en Spurgeon!
Nico van der Walt
Skryfwerk van Nico van der Walt ter wille van Godgesentreerde, Christusgefokusde en Bybelgefundeerde waarheid, oortuiging en praktyk
Monday, July 16, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Min mense het 'n groter invloed op my Skrifbegrip, denke en geloofsoortuigings gehad as John Stott - hoewel hy 'n Anglikaan was en ek 'n Baptis is.
While at Rugby School in 1938, Stott heard the Reverend Eric Nash (nicknamed "Bash") deliver a sermon entitled "What Then Shall I Do with Jesus, Who Is Called the Christ?"[4] After this talk, Nash pointed Stott to Revelation 3:20, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." Stott later described the impact this verse had upon him as follows:
"Here, then, is the crucial question which we have been leading up to. Have we ever opened our door to Christ? Have we ever invited him in? This was exactly the question which I needed to have put to me. For, intellectually speaking, I had believed in Jesus all my life, on the other side of the door. I had regularly struggled to say my prayers through the key-hole. I had even pushed pennies under the door in a vain attempt to pacify him. I had been baptized, yes and confirmed as well. I went to church, read my Bible, had high ideals, and tried to be good and do good. But all the time, often without realising it, I was holding Christ at arm's length, and keeping him outside. I knew that to open the door might have momentous consequences. I am profoundly grateful to him for enabling me to open the door. Looking back now over more than fifty years, I realise that that simple step has changed the entire direction, course and quality of my life.
Nico van der Walt
While at Rugby School in 1938, Stott heard the Reverend Eric Nash (nicknamed "Bash") deliver a sermon entitled "What Then Shall I Do with Jesus, Who Is Called the Christ?"[4] After this talk, Nash pointed Stott to Revelation 3:20, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me." Stott later described the impact this verse had upon him as follows:
"Here, then, is the crucial question which we have been leading up to. Have we ever opened our door to Christ? Have we ever invited him in? This was exactly the question which I needed to have put to me. For, intellectually speaking, I had believed in Jesus all my life, on the other side of the door. I had regularly struggled to say my prayers through the key-hole. I had even pushed pennies under the door in a vain attempt to pacify him. I had been baptized, yes and confirmed as well. I went to church, read my Bible, had high ideals, and tried to be good and do good. But all the time, often without realising it, I was holding Christ at arm's length, and keeping him outside. I knew that to open the door might have momentous consequences. I am profoundly grateful to him for enabling me to open the door. Looking back now over more than fifty years, I realise that that simple step has changed the entire direction, course and quality of my life.
Nico van der Walt
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Onderstaande waarheid lê aan die hart van ware Christene se redding. Vir baie jare al gee dit vir my onuitspreeklike vreugde. Tog, helaas, het ek my bedenkinge of meer as een of twee persent Christene dit onder die knie het. Jy sê, dis mos nie nodig om dit te weet om gered te word nie. Natuurlik nie - die misdadiger aan die kruis het g'n snars daarvan verstaan nie. Maar, vriend, dit gaan nie bloot oor ons redding nie, dit gaan oor die eer van God en die heerlikheid van Christus se volmaakte versoeningswerk. Word nou groot, man! Raak Godgesentreerd en Christusgefokus! Ware Christenskap gaan ten diepste oor die eer van God, nie oor die redding van jou bas nie.
Ons heel eerste roeping is dankbare aanbiddingsverwondering! Jou redding is binnekort afgehandel, maar met aanbidding sal jy tot in ewigheid besig wees (as jy dan inderdaad gered is).
Op Teologiese Skool moes ons asblikke vol akademiese irrelevanthede tot naarwordens toe afsluk - maar van onderstaande waarheid het ek nooit gehoor nie. Dis ‛n skande, om dit so sagkens as moontlik te stel. Is dit dalk die rede waarom die oorgrote meerderheid kansels hulle besig hou met moralistiese en sentimentele bog, maar soos die graf swyg oor dit waarin hulle eintlik moet jubel? Is dit dalk die rede waarom derduisende kerkmense elke jaar verkies om maar hoed te vat en eerder Sondagoggende langs die swembad te gaan lê? Is dit dalk die rede waarom al hoe meer Christene hulle eerder tot die internet en CD's wend om die geestelike kos te kry waarna hulle so smag?
Maar laat ek ophou. My bloeddruk is besig om tot ‛n gevaarlike vlak te styg. Goed, wat is die waarheid waarna ek hierbo verwys? Ek stel dit so kernagtig in ‛n neutedop soos ek kan:
Geestelik lewend gemaak, stel ware Christene hulle geloofsvertroue in Christus en word hulle deur God "geregverdig" (die NAV se "vrygespreek" laat nie reg geskied aan die ryk en positiewe inhoud van hierdie begrip nie, soos hieronder sal blyk).
Regverdiging (ook regverdigmaking genoem) moet gesien word teen die agtergrond van die feit dat die gevalle mens 'n dubbele probleem voor God het. 'n "Dubbelkuur" is dus nodig om 'n sondaar te red. Enersyds moet die vloek van sy skuld voor God uitgedelg word; andersyds moet sy onvermoë om God te behaag, aangespreek word.
Regverdiging is dus 'n dubbele juridiese uitspraak van God t.o.v. alle mense wat waarlik in Christus as Saligmaker glo. [As uitvloeisel van God se lewendmakende roeping, is selfs hierdie geloof 'n gawe van Hom (Ef 2:8-9; Fil 1:29; 2Pt 1:1)]. Agter hierdie uitspraak lê die beginsels van plaasvervanging en toerekening (Vgl. Rm 4 en 5). Laasgenoemde was 'n boekhouterm.
Die Seun van God, as Hoof van die nuwe mensheid, het in die plek van God se uitverkorenes kom staan. Voorts, negatief is hulle sondeskuld aan Hom toegereken, "teen Sy rekening afgeskryf". Hy is dus met hulle skuld "gedebiteer". Dit is egter nie al nie! Positief word Sy onuitputlike rykdom (Sy sondelose geregtigheid, Sy volmaakte gehoorsaamheid aan die Vader) aan hulle toegereken, "na hulle rekening oorgeboek". Hulle word dus met Sy gehoorsaamheid "gekrediteer". Regverdiging is iets wat "in God se boeke" gebeur - buite my! Ek beleef dit nie; ek beleef net die effekte daarvan. Maar ek omhels dit in die geloof.
As God my opgestapelde sondeskuld aan Sy Seun straf, sterf Hy daaronder - maar in die proses bewerkstellig Hy vryspraak vir hierdie hopelose en hulpelose sondaar, sodat ek onskuldig voor God staan (Mt 20:28; Rm 3:25; 2Kor 5:21; Gl 3:13; Kol 2:13-15; 1Tm 2:5-6; 1Pt 2:24). Dis egter net die helfte van die wonder van regverdiging. Christus se toegerekende geregtigheid maak óók dat ek in God se boeke die status het van iemand wat Sy wet volkome gehoorsaam het (Rm 1:16-17; 3:21-28; 8:33-34; 10:3-4; Fil 3:9) - en wat as sodanig kwalifiseer vir die ewige lewe!
Jesus Christus se passiewe gehoorsaamheid red sondaars dus van die ewige verdoemenis; en Sy aktiewe gehoorsaamheid verwerf vir hulle die ewige saligheid.
Die bekende Amerikaanse teoloog, J. Gresham Machen, het hierdie waarheid baie goed verstaan toe sy laaste woorde was toe hy op 1 Januarie 1937 gesterf het: "I'm so thankful for the active obedience of Christ. No hope without it." [Ned B. Stonehouse: J. Gresham Machen, A Biographical Memoir, p.508.]
Nico van der Walt
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